Tag Archives: focus groups

Students, We Want Your Voices!


WIC is turning 11 years old this month, and we’re planning to give the space a refresh! If you are an undergraduate who studies at WIC, we’d like to hear your voice. We are holding student focus groups throughout April to get feedback on how we might improve our spaces and services to better accommodate student needs.

We will have Insomnia Cookies and giveaways for all who attend! Please register for a session below. All focus groups will be held in the WIC Seminar Room (Rm 124).

Planning better study spaces at Penn

Student at WhiteboardWhen it’s time to get work done, the right kind of space can make a real impact on your productivity.   We want to know what you think makes a good study space – both for individual and group work.  Where do you currently go to study?  What works well, and what could be improved?

Penn Libraries, College House Computing and SAS Computing are hosting a series of focus groups for students so we can hear your opinions. Your input will help guide the development of new study spaces and improve existing facilities.

Please register by clicking on the link next to a session below. These sessions are designed for undergraduates and we plan to record audio of the discussions.

All sessions include the same content and refreshments will be provided. Please join us in the WIC Seminar Room, Weigle Information Commons, First floor, west side in Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center.

Happy New Website!

A new year, a new website! Take a sneak peek at:


It’s been a long and winding road to get here. We began discussing ways to simplify our website in 2012 at meetings of the WIC Faculty Advisory Group and the WIC Program Partners Group.  In 2013, we integrated search on our Drupal Logoblog and website. In 2014, we chose eCity to help us understand the Drupal website platform. They conducted focus groups this summer to identify expectations for the WIC and EC websites. Students, faculty and staff brought us their perspectives. We heard loud and clear the need for a mobile-friendly, visually appealing, responsive website.

Inspired by the designs of the new Penn Libraries website and the Penn Giving website, we began building pages in October. Our graduate student interns helped us with a complex moving process. We go live on January 12.

Our new website synthesizes content across the Weigle Information Commons and the Education Commons. We need your feedback to improve our new site, so please let us know what works and what does not!

Web Focus Groups for WIC & EC

You may remember our April post about PennWIC’s new look. Now, we are exploring a redesign of the WIC and EC websites. We are partnering with eCity Interactive (creators of the Penn Vet and Making History websites) and holding three focus groups for students and faculty. We would love to benefit from your ideas! Please join us in the WIC Seminar Room (click on a date to register):

or send us your thoughts via email. Our goal for the focus groups is to understand how people from different parts of campus interact with our current web presence, and to visualize ways to make it easier and faster to find what you need.

NVivo for qualitative research

We first learned about NVivo software from Rosie Frasso who teaches in the Masters in Public Health program, and after that, we suddenly started receiving many questions and requests about it from around campus. As the vendor describes, “NVivo 10 helps you to easily organize and analyze data in documents, audio, video, spreadsheets, social media and web pages.” In April, we set aside two workstations in WIC for a 30-day trial for the software. Over the summer, we collaborated with our technology support folks, and thanks to their help, NVivo should soon be available on all the PCs throughout Penn Libraries. On October 11, we are glad to present our first workshop on NVivo with our guest presenter Shimrit Keddem. Do you use NVivo? Please do share your experiences and ideas as we get started exploring this new software tool.