Tag Archives: cookies

Students, We Want Your Voices!


WIC is turning 11 years old this month, and we’re planning to give the space a refresh! If you are an undergraduate who studies at WIC, we’d like to hear your voice. We are holding student focus groups throughout April to get feedback on how we might improve our spaces and services to better accommodate student needs.

We will have Insomnia Cookies and giveaways for all who attend! Please register for a session below. All focus groups will be held in the WIC Seminar Room (Rm 124).

Holiday Events at the Computer Connection

Screen shot 2012-12-13 at 10.31.26 AMEveryone is invited to stop by the Computer Connection (at the back of the Penn Bookstore) for holiday events tonight (12/13) and Friday (12/14). If you stop in before 5pm, you’ll have a chance to meet their staff and take advantage of holiday shopping before the store gets too crowded. Plus there will be COOKIES!

Representatives of Apple, and Lenovo will be on hand today to talk about their technology products. Plus, there will be raffles prizes, giveaways and quite a few special offers (in addition to the cookies.)

Details on their holiday events and special offerings are available online at http://www.upenn.edu/computerstore.