Announcing our iPad Program Report

We’re glad to announce our program report on the iPads in the Classroom pilot and welcome your comments. Please do share the report widely. We began our pilot at Gadget Day in August 2011and over the past year, we have explored the use of iPads in a variety of classroom, meeting and travel contexts  – from pair-share video interviews on identity to capturing conference moments in New York City to collaborative critique of multimedia content. We have learned how to manage the iPads and also begun to understand how to help faculty and students become comfortable with them in an instructional context.

We welcome faculty to reserve the iPads for class projects this fall. Please stop by or email us. Students can take photos, capture videos, share articles, comment on PDFs, explore web resources and use specialized apps. We can add apps by request in case our current list does not meet your needs. We can load the iPads with readings, bookmarks, videos and other relevant content. You can look for apps tailored for your discipline at the app store or ask us for suggestions. The Apps on Tap blog provides a great resource for exploring apps for iPad, as well as other mobile platforms.

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